Project plan

The organization of the project tasks in Work Packages is reported in the table below.

WP title

WP task

Deliverables (D), Milestones (M), Secondments (S)


Integration & Training

Activities for the integration of the fellow at the host institute; training on laboratory instrumentation; bibliographic research; scientific and soft skill courses.

D1.1 bibliographic report; D1.2 scientific training report; D1.3 soft skills training report; M1.1 end of training and integration.


Synchrotron radiation computed microtomography

Acquisition of phase-contrast CµT at European large scale facilities; analysis of the acquired data.

D2.1, D2.2 experimental proposal submitted to large scale facility; D2.3, D2.4 experiment and data analysis reports. M2.1, M2.2 experiments at large scale facilities.


Synchrotron radiation fluomicrotomography


Acquisition of phase-contrast FµT at European large scale facilities; analysis of the acquired data.

D3.1, D3.2 experimental proposal submitted to large scale facility; D3.3, D3.4 experiment and data analysis reports. M3.1, M3.2 experiments at large scale facilities.


Synchrotron radiation microdiffraction

Acquisition of µXRD data at European large scale facilities; analysis of the acquired data.

D4.1, D4.2 experimental proposal submitted to large scale facility; D4.3, D4.4 experiment and data analysis reports. M4.1, M4.2 experiments at large scale facilities.


High Resolution TEM and Electron Diffraction

Development of a procedure to prepare the samples for TEM; TEM training; acquisition of TEM images and electron diffraction patterns.

S5.1, S5.2 reports on TEM training and measurements; D5.1 report on TEM data analysis; M5.1 end of TEM training; M5.2 end of experimental work and secondment.


Laboratory experiments

Preparation of the samples for CµT, FµT, µXRD, and TEM experiments; Execution of the adsorption isotherms.

D6.1 report on samples’ preparation for experiments at large scale facilities; S6.1, S6.2 reports on TEM samples’ preparation and acquisition; S6.3 report on adsorption isotherms. M6.1 end of laboratory work.


Dissemination & Outreach

Participation in international conferences; writing and submission of scientific publications; seminars; outreach activities.

D7.1, D7.5, D7.8, D7.11 end of semester progress seminars; D7.4, D7.7, D7.10 contributions to international conferences; D7.2, D7.5 Marie-Curie open days; D7.3, D7.5 student visits at large scale facilities; M7.1 submission of scientific papers.



Progress meetings and project reporting.

D8.1 and D8.2 end of 1st and 3rd semester reports; M8.1 and M8.2 midterm and final reports.

Proposed Gantt chart

Temptative Gantt chart as submitted before the beginning of the project.

Updated Gantt chart

The actual project plan and progress is reported in the Gantt table below. The table will be periodically updated to include changes occurred to the project plan.